Saturday, November 7, 2020

Positive Experience this week

I had a couple of assignments that took most of two days to do. I was able to get all my midweek assignments done by their due date. On Wednesday evening we received a message asking my husband and myself if we could serve in the temple on Friday. My first thought was that I had so much school work to do before the weekend. That must have been my husband’s thought too. Then I had a second thought. Working in the temple was the Lord’s work. With COVID 19 we never know what day we will be working at the temple. The Lord would help me accomplish the school work I needed to finish. 

 We let our supervisors know that we would be willing to serve in the temple on Friday. Friday morning, we left the house just before sunrise. It was the most beautiful sunrise I have seen in a long time. It was so wonderful to be in the temple. I felt such peace. Then in the dressing room I walked around the corner and there were some of the sisters I had been serving with for the past three years. It was like the room filled with love as we greeted each other and talked about our assignments. It was a beautiful day in the temple. 

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